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Step-by-Step Guide: Figma to Wix Studio Best Practices

Turning your Figma designs into responsive, live sites with the Figma to Wix Studio plugin is an efficient process that can streamline your entire design workflow. This guide will walk you through each step, address common issues, and offer best practices to ensure a smooth transition from Figma to Wix Studio.

In a Nutshell

The Figma to Wix Studio plugin allows you to export designs from Figma and import them seamlessly into Wix Studio. This not only saves time but also preserves the integrity of your design across all devices. By following the steps in this guide, you can add animations, create launch-ready sites, and fine-tune every detail to achieve the desired look and feel.

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Accessing and Installing the Wix Studio Plugin

On Figma

  1. Install the Plugin: Start by installing the plugin from the Figma Community page or directly from your Figma file by opening the Plugins panel (Shift + I) and searching for “Figma to Wix Studio.”

  2. Get Started: Once installed, follow the on-screen instructions by clicking Get Started. Copy the URL of the Figma file you want to connect. For the Figma desktop app, use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + L.

On Wix Studio

  1. Open Wix Studio: Navigate to Wix Studio and either open a blank canvas or an existing site in the Editor.

  2. Import from Figma: Hover over the Studio logo, select Tools > Import from Figma, and paste the Figma file URL into the panel that appears. Complete the short authorization process to establish the connection.

Detailed Step-by-Step Process

Exporting Styles from Figma

  1. Match Frame Widths: To maintain a 1:1 ratio between Figma and Wix Studio, start by matching the width of your Figma frame to the editing size in Studio.

  2. Choose Your Export Options:

    • Export Styles: Recommended first step to transfer typography and colors for design consistency.

    • Export Frame: If styles aren’t exported first, manual adjustments will be necessary in Studio.

    • Get Wireframes: Option to start from scratch using pre-built, optimized wireframes.

  3. Export Process:

    • Select Frames: Choose the frames that include all the styles you want to export. The plugin will automatically recognize and list the styles in the panel.

    • Review and Export: After reviewing, click Export Styles and wait for the completion notification.

Importing Styles on Wix Studio

  1. Apply Styles: In Studio, the imported styles will appear in the Import from Figma panel. Click Apply Styles to Site to integrate them into your site's theme.

  2. Address Missing Fonts: If fonts are missing, you’ll be notified. Upload the missing fonts or they’ll be replaced by defaults.

Exporting Frames from Figma

  1. Select and Export Frames: Choose the frame to export, review its width, and click Export Frame.

  2. Auto Layout Tips: To maintain element positioning, apply auto layout in Figma. This ensures elements remain grouped and spaced correctly when imported to Studio.

Adding Frames on Wix Studio

  1. Import Frames: In Studio, select the frame and choose how to add it to your site (as a Section, Page, or Container).

  2. Troubleshooting: If certain elements like menus or forms don’t import correctly, redesign them directly in Studio using its components.

Best Practices for Exporting from Figma to Wix Studio

Understanding Supported Elements

The plugin automatically recognizes and imports elements like Pages, Sections, Stacks, Containers, Images, Buttons, Text, GIFs, and SVGs (up to 250KB). Unsupported elements such as menus, forms, galleries, videos, and inputs will need to be replaced with Wix Studio’s native components.

Exporting Images and SVGs

  • Images: Automatically extracted during frame export and added to the Media Manager in Studio.

  • SVGs: Supported vector groups are detected as SVGs, ensuring design fidelity when imported.

Building Sections in Figma

  • Organize Layers: Ensure your Figma layers are organized to match the visual order of your design. This prevents mistakes and missing sections when imported into Studio.

  • Section Backgrounds: Only Sections in Wix Studio support color, image, and gradient backgrounds. Ensure full-width backgrounds are properly set up in Figma.

Optimizing Buttons and Containers

  • Buttons: Only text-based buttons in Figma will import as button components in Studio. Avoid using shapes or icons inside buttons if you want them to function as buttons.

  • Containers: Use Figma frames to group elements, which will then appear as containers in Studio. Adjust as needed after import.

Using Auto Layout for Stacks

  • Auto Layout in Figma: Apply auto layout to control the spacing and alignment of elements, ensuring they appear correctly in Studio.

Real-Life Case Study

Case Study: XYZ Design Firm

XYZ Design Firm successfully transitioned a complex Figma design into a fully responsive Wix Studio website using these best practices. By following the step-by-step process, they maintained design fidelity, optimized for mobile responsiveness, and reduced the overall development time by 30%. The firm also utilized auto layout and container features to ensure seamless integration of their custom design elements.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue: Fonts Not Displaying Correctly

  • Solution: Check for any missing fonts in the Import from Figma panel and upload them manually to Studio.

Issue: Elements Overlapping After Import

  • Solution: Ensure auto layout is correctly applied in Figma to maintain the spacing and alignment in Studio.

Issue: Unsupported Elements Not Functional

  • Solution: Replace unsupported elements (like forms and menus) with Wix Studio’s native components to ensure functionality.

Interactive Elements

Checklist for a Smooth Export:

 Install the Figma to Wix Studio plugin

 Match Figma frame width to Studio editing size

 Export and apply styles first

 Use auto layout for element grouping

 Check for missing fonts after import

Downloadable Template:

Ready to take your designs to the next level? Explore our Wix Studio Essentials course to master the platform and schedule a free consultation with our design experts today!

By following these best practices and utilizing the tools provided, you can ensure a seamless and successful export of your Figma designs into Wix Studio, allowing you to focus on creating stunning, responsive websites.


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